Talkin Snatches with the Barbell Osteo

Oct 14, 2021

Happy to have Caity "The Barbell Osteo" Haniver  on the show today talking about life in the pandemic. We also talked a lot about snatches and weightlifting cause if you don't know Caity is also a professional weightlifter. Caity shared her journey on become a weightlifter, she also shared things on what she see and experience in the weightlifting community.

We also went into a little bit about business and what happened to that infamous social media outage that made us think twice to get our business into other social media platforms. We also talked about how important active lifestyle is especially now that we have the pandemic.

 You'll Hear:
1. The Weightlifter's world
2. The equality in weightlifting
3. Difference between Powerlifting and Weightlifting
4. Stressful weightlifting environment 
5. Where and How to get ideas for educational social media content
6. The importance of living an active lifestyle

Dr. Caity Haniver is an Osteopath, weightlifting coach and strength coach in Melbourne who has been in the health industry for over 10 years. She uses her knowledge of strength sports and an osteopathic holistic view of the body to help people move better, breath better and feel better. She is passionate about helping barbell athletes and coaches increase performance through coaching, mobility programming and educational seminars.


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