Crushing Rehab Narratives with Andy Chen

Oct 21, 2021

On this episode we have Dr. Andy Chen for the second time. We had so much more to discuss since the first recording, so we decided to re-record and go deeper.

In this episode Andy shared his experience of how he run his business from rebranding and making it in a pandemic. He also added that pandemic made him slow down and think properly that made him execute things for the good of his business. We also talked about his vision to stop the misconceptions and false information that plaque the fitness industry.

You'll Hear:
1. Entreprenuer side of Fitness.
2. What this pandemic taught us.
3. The pros and cons of Social Media.

If you like this episode, then please do us a favor and share it with your friends on Instagram and tag us @compoundperformance_ and @mattdomney

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Dr. Andy Chen is a co founder of Movement PT and Performance. A place for physical therapy and performance training for people who want to live an active lifestyle. They take you from chronic pain to high performance.
Learn More About Andy and Movement here:

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